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Rūnanga Chief Executive Tony Dowling steps down

Te Rūnanga-Ā-iwi O Ngāpuhi Chairman Rāniera Tau today announced that due to health reasons the Rūnanga Chief Executive Tony Dowling had resigned from this position.

Mr Tau said Mr Dowling had been on sick leave since October last year as he dealt with some health challenges.

“We are saddened to accept Tony’s resignation, but completely understand his total focus must now be on his recuperation. On behalf of the Ngāpuhi Rūnanga group, we thank Tony for his considerable contribution during his year at the helm of our organisation. We pray for his full recovery, and look forward to his continued connection with Ngāpuhi and our kaupapa in the years ahead.”

Mr Tau said the Chief Executive’s role will be advertised in the coming weeks.


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