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Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund supports nationwide events

E tautoko ana te Tahua Whakamaharatanga ki te Rā o Waitangi i ngā huihuinga o te motu

E whakatenatena ana te Minita mō te Manatū Taonga, a Jacinda Ardern, i ngā hapori kia tono pūtea hei āwhina i te whakahaere hui whakamaharatanga ki te hainatanga o Te Tiriti.

Ka tuwhera te Tahua Whakamaharatanga ki te Rā o Waitangi Day i te rangi nei.

Hei tā Jacinda Ardern, “Ko te Rā o Waitangi te wā e mahara ai tātou ki ngā tūāpapa tikanga-rua o tō tātou whenua me te takoha a ngā ahurea katoa o Aotearoa ki tō tātou pāpori."

“He rā whakamahara tēnei, kaua i Waitangi anahe, te wāhi i haina tuatahitia ai te Tiriti, engari ki te motu nui tonu, hei tohu i te huringa o Te Tiriti ki ētahi atu rohe i muri i te hainatanga i te 6 o Huitanguru 1840.

“Kua roa te Rā o Waitangi e whakamaharatia ana i ngā wāhi maha tonu hei āhuarekatanga mā te tini o Aotearoa. Heoi, tērā anō ētahi wāhi e kore ai ētahi e āhei ki te whai wāhi atu, ka mutu e whakatenatena ana au i ngā hapori katoa kia mahi ngātahi ki te whakarite me te whakahaere huihuinga ki te rohe.

“E hira ana ngā rā whakamaharatanga nei ki te whakatipu i te tuakiritanga o te motu i te whakakotahi mai a ngā iwi o ngā ahurea katoa i runga i te wairua o te haere kōtui.

“I a tātou ka whakakotahi, kua mahara tātou katoa ki te tikanga o te noho hei tangata o Aotearoa, me te noho tūāpapa mai o Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki tēnei āhua.

Hei tā Jacinda Ardern anō, “E titiro whakamua ana ki te rongo mō ngā huihuinga toitoi manawa katoa e whakaritea ana mō te Rā o Waitangi ā te tau e tū mai nei.

E tuwhera ana te Tahua Whakamaharatanga a te Manatū Taonga ināianei mō ngā huihuinga ka tū ā te 2019. Ka noho tuwhera te Tahua ki te 1 o Whiringa-ā-nuku 2018. Ko ētahi huihuinga kua tautokona e te tahua ko te taiopenga kai, ko te rā tuwhera o te marae, ko te hui whāiti me te tūnga atamira tūmatanui.

Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund supports nationwide events

The Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Jacinda Ardern is encouraging communities to apply for funding to help with hosting local events commemorating the signing of Te Tiriti.

Applications for the Commemorating Waitangi Day Fund open today.

“Waitangi Day is the time we reflect on the bicultural foundations of our nation and the contribution all New Zealand cultures make in our society,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“It is a day for commemoration not only at Waitangi, where the Treaty was first signed, but throughout the country, in recognition that Te Tiriti itself journeyed to other regi

“Waitangi Day events are well established in many centres and enjoyed by thousands of New Zealanders. However, there are some areas where people don’t have the option to participate and I encourage all communities to work together to design and run local events.

“These commemorations are important to the growth of our national identity as they bring people of all cultures together in a spirit of partnership.

“Together we can reflect on what it means to be a New Zealander and how Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpins this.

“I look forward to hearing about all the stimulating events planned for next year’s Waitangi Day,” Jacinda Ardern said.

The Ministry for Culture and Heritage is now accepting applications for the Fund for events taking place in 2019. The Fund is open until 1 October 2018. Past events supported by the fund include kai festivals, marae open days, workshops, and public performances.

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