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Alternative trade strategy hui starts tomorrow

A 2-day hui to explore what an alternative and progressive trade strategy should look like starts tomorrow morning at 9am at the Fale Pasifika at Auckland University, and will be livestreamed on

Co-sponsors include The NZ Council of Trade Unions, It’s Our Future, Doctors for Healthy Trade, Ora Taiao: New Zealand Climate and Health Council, Oxfam NZ, Greenpeace NZ, the NZ Nurses Organisation, First Union, PSA, PPTA, NZEI, TEU, the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa.

According to the main organiser University of Auckland law professor Jane Kelsey, “the hui aims to set a new agenda for change at a time of major turbulence in the international economy and free trade and investment regimes, and rethinking in New Zealand in the wake of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.”

Professor Kelsey and Dr Jim Stanford from the Australian Centre for Future work will set the scene for ten panels over the two days.

The discussion format is designed to identify issues and options in a range of areas.

The two morning panels will focus on big picture issues. One dealing with geopolitics, labour and gender features former diplomat Terence O’Brien, NZCTU secretary Sam Huggard, and international feminist scholar Claire Slatter from Fiji.

A panel on the internationalised economy looks at future challenges for a productive export economy, the digital economy, Maori economic development, financial stability and tax. This discussion will feature various well-known names: business journalist Rod Oram, Bernard Hickey the Managing Director of Newsroom Pro, Margaret Kawharu from Ngāti Whatua o Kaipara, and NZCTU economist Dr Bill Rosenberg.

In the afternoon, panels of recognised experts will debate future challenges for international trade and investment relations as they effect livelihoods, Tiriti-based relationships, and sustainability.

Saturday’s panels will tackle questions of health, knowledge, rights and protections, development, and reinvigorating the local.

For the full programme and speakers see

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