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Immigration Minister missing in action as foreign nationals get away with spreading mis-information

Image: Foreigner Damien De Ment and Donald Trump

Immigration Minister missing in action as foreign nationals get away with spreading mis-information – Maori Authority Chair calls for their deportation

The Chair of the National Maori Authority, Matthew Tukaki, has made an impassioned plea to the Government to overhaul immigration laws and get tough on conspiracy theorists who have taken up residence in New Zealand. Tukaki has made it clear that people such as Damien De Ment, Lee Williams and Karen Brewer are all foreign nationals residing in New Zealand who sit behind much of the mis-information being spread online. Tukaki has also said that these three and their supporters also harbour racist views, views that denigrate Maori and are sitting behind many of the anti-vaccination messages online, spreading throughout Aotearoa.

“I have written to the Immigration Minister on two separate occasions, firstly on residency of Lee Williams and then on Karen Brewer – in both cases both individuals have a track record of targeting Maori and also spreading massive amounts of mis-information online. In the case of Williams he has now left Aotearoa but to be frank; if he attempts to re-enter the country he should be blocked” Tukaki said

“Then there is the case of Karen Brewer – judgements on defamation against a Federal Member of Parliament in Australia to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and we have allowed this person into the country – walking across cemeteries doing live broadcasts to social media desecrating the memories of our fallen and whanau – ranting about free masons and any number of lies. Surely enough is enough.” Tukaki said

“Then there is the story of Damien De Ment – an American national encouraging rallies using the same narrative of Donald Trump and his supporters. A known conspiracy theorist, a known anti-vaxxer, a known spreader of misinformation. All three have been banned from various platforms on social media for spreading lies – and yet we let them into this country, to reside here and to continue spreading mass amounts of mis-information.” Tukaki said

“I am sorry but we need to take a stand against foreigners coming to this country and driving a wedge through communities. We need to take a stand against foreign nationals thinking they can come to this country and pour scorn on Maori, on New Zealanders and I am not sorry to say they should have their residency permits cancelled and deported on the first available flight.” Tukaki said

“We have already launched petitions where thousands of signed to have permits of Lee Williams and Karen Brewer cancelled – but here is the thing – where is the Minister for Immigration? Can someone tell me why the Minister of Immigration has not responded to the letters asking for a review into the residency of Williams and Brewer?” Tukaki said

“This is not a freedom of speech issue – this is an issue of stopping racists, conspiracy theory spreading foreigners from taking up residence in our country. And my message to those three and others – if you don’t like it here there get the hell out of our country.” Tukaki said


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