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Symposium explores opportunities for youth employment

With an ageing population the future of the district’s workforce lies with its young people and an upcoming symposium will bring potential employees and employers together to explore how to make the most of the opportunities this brings.

Hosted by the Hastings District Council, JMP Consulting and LIFT Social Enterprise, the one-day 2018 International Indigenous Youth Employment Symposium will take place in October with a range of speakers, interactive workshops and the chance to network and collaborate.

The event follows and builds on the first successful symposium that was held two years ago and will look at rangatahi engagement, youth entrepreneurship skills, succession planning in the workplace, organisational collaboration and will highlight youth employment successes.

Workshops will include young people who have been through the council’s youth employment programme and subsequently found jobs, representatives from government agencies and service providers, employers, and there will be a range of keynote speakers.

Discussions will range from engaging youth to influencing employer perceptions, succession planning and progression in a workplace, and developing Maori entrepreneurship.

Council representatives will be there to discuss what the council is doing in terms of community engagement and youth employment, connecting young people with employers, and offering ongoing pastoral care and support.

One of the keynote speakers will be Jamie Samuels, who will share his story about his unique and troubled past, leading to experiences with the criminal justice system and how that led to him becoming a highly resilient individual with strong leadership skills.

Based in Hawke’s Bay, Jamie’s focus is now on working with young people and helping them overcome their own struggles, and he is in the process of establishing his own business, with the aim of employing other young people who may struggle to get work due to their criminal convictions.

Another keynote speaker is Maria Smith, founder and chief executive of Bounce Australia, a company that upskills disadvantaged jobseekers, including indigenous, disabled, long-term unemployed, young and mature, helping them gain employment, as well as building high-level relationships with businesses and companies.

Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst says getting more young people into work and training is something she is really passionate about.

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